Grade 44

Whatman Grade 44 quantitative paper is a thinner variant of the Grade 42 ashless paper. Designed to enhance the precision of ash-free dry weight measurements. Its reduced thickness and fine particle retention make it suitable for highly accurate analyses where ash content needs to be minimized.

Key Features:

Ash-Free Dry Mass: The thinness of Grade 44 filters reduces the overall ash content. Making them ideal for analyses that require precise ash-free dry weight measurements.
Fine Particle Retention: With a nominal particle retention rating of 3 µm, these filters effectively capture very fine particles, ensuring accurate results in analyses.
Filtration Speed: The Herzberg filtration speed of 995 seconds reflects the careful filtration process necessary for high-precision work.
Thickness: Typical thickness is 180 µm, contributing to its low ash content and suitability for ash-free measurements.


Grade 44 filters are particularly useful in applications where precise measurement of ash-free dry mass is crucial. Such as in gravimetric analysis and other analytical procedures that require minimal contamination from ash.

Whatman Grade 44 quantitative papers offer excellent performance for ash-free dry weight measurements. Their fine particle retention, thin profile, and low ash content make them ideal for high-accuracy analytical tasks where precision is key.

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